Appears to be a simple, fast, non-invasive, and reproducible method to analyze the set-up alignment in 3DCRT of prostate cancer patients.1
1 Krengli et al. Reproducibility of patient setup by surface image registration system in conformal radiotherapy of prostate cancer Radiat Oncol 2009 Feb 22;4:9.
Surface imaging can detect setup errors predictive of registration errors measured by ultrasound. This data suggest that the two IGRT modalities could be considered as complementary to each other and could represent a daily "low-cost" and non-invasive IGRT modality in prostate cancer patients.2
2 Krengli et al. Three-dimensional surface and ultrasound imaging for daily IGRT of prostate cancer. Radiat Oncol. 2016 Dec 13;11(1):159
SGRT decreased the translational magnitude shifts significantly (P < .05) by 0.5 ± 1.4 mm for pelvis. The quality of patient positioning before ion-beam treatments has been optimized by using SGRT without additional imaging dose. SGRT clearly reduced inefficiencies in the patient positioning workflow.3
3 Qubala et al. Optimizing the Patient Positioning Workflow of Patients with Pelvis, Limb, and Chest/Spine Tumors at an Ion-Beam Gantry based on Optical Surface Guidance. Advances in Radiation Oncology, [online] 8(2), p.101105.
Tattoo-free treatment using AlignRT reduced prostate re-imaging rates by 80%.4
4 Effectiveness of SGRT to Reduce the Rate of Repeat CBCTs for Prostate Patients. Ashley Towers, RT(T) Radiation Oncology Supervisor, Wake Forest Baptist Health, High Point NC, SGRT USA Annual Meeting 2022.
Using AlignRT for prostate patients reduced treatment times by 53% across 2 sites within University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.5
5 Measuring and Improving Radiotherapy Delivery Efficiency with SGRT Implementation. Amy Shaw, Technical Lead Radiographer, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, SGRT London Annual Meeting 2022.
The inter-fractional patient setup accuracy was significantly better using AlignRT compared to laser alignment with skin marks. Reducing the frequency of CBCT scans reduces imaging dose and overall treatment time.6
6 Rudat V, Shi Y, Zhao R, Xu S, Yu W. Setup accuracy and margins for surface-guided radiotherapy (SGRT) of head, thorax, abdomen, and pelvic target volumes. Sci Rep. 2023 Oct 9;13(1):17018. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-44320-2