Voice of Experience
Vision RT has also improved the setup for other sites such as extremity lesions, many other disease sites. You’re going to keep hearing this over and over again – it is improving our accuracy and throughput
- Nancy Wiggers MD, Radiation Oncologist
…extremities – these can be so difficult for a therapist to set up. [AlignRT] just makes life so much easier. You can make sure that the bend of the arm or the bend of the knee is more accurate.
- Amy Riemer BSRT(T), Lead Therapist, The Cancer Team at Bellin Health
We used our traditional method for setting up [frog leg sarcoma] but struggled with the reproducibility and were experiencing large shifts after imaging, so we swapped to using AlignRT for set up. We saw a much more accurate set up, with shifts of less than 5mm. It is much more reliable and easier for us to reproduce the position each day.
- Chin Hwa Chan, Radiation Therapist Supervisor, Prince of Wales Hospital, Australia
AlignRT enables us to provide comfortable and stable set ups whilst exceeding our previous set up accuracy in those patients who have unusual topography or when treating extremites. Patient comfort does not compromise accuracy.
- Suzanne Coupland, Advanced Imaging Lead Radiographer, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, Scotland
With AlignRT Advance we have the postural set up module, this provides us with a live video feed where we can see both the posture and detlas at the same time. This means a set up is easier and faster.
- Kiira Pynnönen - Radiation Therapist, Tampere University Hospital