Voice of Experience
Sometimes, you don’t want to have to explain to inquisitive people why you have a black dot on your chest, you just want to get on with living.
- Prof Heidi Probst, former patient and Professor of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
AlignRT has enabled us to increase patient safety and comfort, as we no longer have to tattoo and mark our patients, as we had to using traditional radiation therapy, to set patients up for daily treatment.
- Kim Kyung Su, Head of the Department of Radiation Oncology, EWHA Woman’s University Seoul Hospital
As patients go through surgery and chemotherapy, by the time they get to radiation, the thought of another permanent mark that is a lifelong reminder of what they’ve had to go through can be devastating for some patients and I’m thrilled that we can go away from that.
- Parag Sanghvi MD, California
Fully utilizing SGRT allows for the implementation of a completely markless system of simulation and treatment, thereby simultaneously improving patient satisfaction, throughput, and setup accuracy.
- Ellen Herron, BSRT(T), Northside Hospital Cancer Institute
Based on our data and experience we consider it safe to omit skin markings. AlignRT offers a higher precision compared to skin marks and this step is a major gain in patient comfort and it simplifies and speeds up the workflow.
- Dr K Beer, MD, Radio-Onkologiezentrum Biel-Seeland-Berner Jura, Switzerland
In my opinion tattoos are an unsuitable surrogate, skin is an elastic mobile organ and they are often remote from the area you are treating. Our work with AlignRT, shows that it, offers a far more accurate and efficient patient positioning.
- Ben Allen, Technical Lead Radiographer, QE Birmingham, UK